Delete the Wheat - Blog


I’m excited to let you be among the first to know about the release of a new book for individuals with gluten-related disorders, dietitians, and clinicians published in conjunction with the Gastroenterology Clinics of North America.  The book’s chief editors are Benjamin Lebwohl, MD, MS and Peter H.R. Green, MD. Alan L. Buchman, MD, MSPH, FACN, FACG, FACP, AGAF was the consulting editor. The work was a major collaboration between more than 30 experts from many adult and pediatric celiac centers in the United States and around the world.


The book is a compilation of the latest facts about celiac disease, including who it is most likely to affect, the changing presentation of celiac disease, and our understanding of why and how it affects individuals.  For those with celiac disease or loved ones with celiac disease, this book provides a detailed description of the current dietary treatment, standards for follow up care, usefulness of new real-time dietary adherence assessment tools, and future non-dietary therapies on the horizon to treat celiac disease.  Other articles address areas on the frontier of celiac disease research, including the rise in its incidence in Asia, our understanding of the interaction between celiac disease and the microbiome, and breakthroughs in the diagnosis and treatment of refractory celiac diseases. Our current understanding of nonceliac gluten sensitivity is also touched upon.


Anne R. Lee, EdD, RDN, LD, Tara McCarthy, MS, RDN, and I collaborated on the “Nutritional Considerations of the Gluten-Free Diet” chapter in the book.  This section addresses the vital importance of seeing a registered dietitian for initial and ongoing education about the gluten-free diet (GFD). Celiac specializing dietitians play a crucial role in mitigating health risks, ensuring appropriate nutritional content in the diet, providing ongoing updates related to the diet and labeling-related regulatory changes, and aiding in providing social and emotional guidance related to improving the patient’s quality of life.  This chapter also discusses the causes of nonresponsive celiac disease including gluten exposure, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, irritable bowel syndrome, lactose intolerance, microscopic colitis, food allergies, eating disorders, disaccharide deficiency, and refractory celiac disease.


The book is available now electronically through Amazon (via Kindle) or a print version can be pre-ordered through Amazon here:

Individual articles/chapters from the book are available for purchase here:

Finally, for those with university library access, each chapter can be downloaded separately.

Written by Julie Bradley on behalf of Melinda Dennis, MS, RDN, LD

Melinda Dennis, MS, RDN

Hi! I was diagnosed with celiac disease and Dermatitis Herpetiformis (an associated skin rash) in 1992 when celiac disease was considered to be rare. Following my passion for teaching, I received my MS in Nutrition and Health Promotion from Simmons College in Boston, MA, completed my clinical internship at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and in 2004 co-founded the Celiac Center as the Nutrition Coordinator and a research co-investigator where I work today.

I enjoy lecturing nationally and internationally and have written extensively on the nutritional management of celiac disease, including the award-winning book Real Life with Celiac Disease: Troubleshooting and Thriving Gluten Free. I am lead author and editor of the comprehensive nutrition and medical website: and served two terms as the first dietitian Councilor at Large for the North American Society for the Study of Celiac Disease.

I now serve as Executive Committee Member of the Celiac Research Program at Harvard Medical School. and as Senior Nutritionist Consultant to the National Celiac Association.

I've been interviewed by NPR, US News and World Report, Today's Dietitian, Boston Magazine, AARP, Eating Well, the Harvard Health Letter, the Boston Globe, the LA Times, WCVB TV Boston, Fox News, and numerous radio stations and gluten-free magazines. It's been my pleasure to work with many patients and multiple gluten-free companies to advance the awareness of gluten-related disorders. Click here to access links to various interviews and articles.