Meal Prep & Recipe Coaching:
with Celiac Dietitian Melinda Dennis, MS, RDN
Do you:
Get flustered thinking about what food to buy and what recipe to prepare?
Get intimidated with the thought of cooking your own gluten-free meals?
Lack the time or motivation to “eat healthy gluten-free?”
Follow a gluten/lactose/dairy/soy/corn/grain/sugar or nightshade free diet?
Follow the low FODMAP diet? Vegan? Vegetarian? Have food sensitivities or allergies?
Wish the ancient gluten-free grains weren't so mysterious?
Need solid, healthy recipes that will carry you or your family through a busy week?
Want someone to walk you through recipes?
Desire more interesting breakfasts, satisfying lunches, and comforting dinners?
If this sounds like you, I can help!
Join me online for one or more one-on-one cooking coaching sessions.
How It Works:
Fill out a quick form listing your dietary needs (besides gluten-free), food preferences, and what you hope to accomplish together.
We will meet online for one or more personalized coaching sessions for any or all the following:
* Simple meal prep tips
* Batch cooking instructions (cooking in larger quantities)
* Recipe review (I will select recipes that meet your needs/preferences)
* Meal planning for you (and family)
Pumpkin Ginger Trifle – courtesy of Carol Fenster
Each session is filled with cooking tips and experienced nutritional advice specific to your condition. You will also learn which foods, spices, and herbs are the most nourishing for your condition and which ones to minimize or avoid. I will introduce you to new flavors and ingredients. Appropriate for those new to cooking or those who need a fresh look at gluten-free meal and snack options.
Lovely herb Garden in Brugge, Belgium
+ Add on a Personalized Food Shopping Tour:
Join me at the grocery store of your choice to peruse ingredients, review recipes, and become an expert at speedy food label reading and healthy food choices.
edible Nasturtium flower in bloom
the lesser-seen side of chives
My Skills:
23-year background in clinical nutrition, food science, and counseling those on the gluten-free and other special diets. Personally trained by professional culinary instructor, Jenn Knight, of the Cambridge School of Culinary Arts.
I LOVE good, healthy food that calms inflammation (a big issue in autoimmune diseases) and supports the body in healing itself. I love growing organic vegetables and herbs in my backyard to take right into the kitchen and eat fresh. You are doing something wonderful for yourself-- both physically and mentally-- whenever you grow your own food, even if it is a single basil plant on your windowsill. Your body will thank you.
Email me at to get started.
And when you cook your own food, you have even more control over your own health.
Anyone can do it. I can show you how.
Email me at to get started.
Coaching sessions are scheduled individually or in a series of two or more sessions. Discounts offered for three or more classes when paid for in advance. Cash or checks accepted. No credit cards, please.
A 1 ½ hour session for one person including instruction, recipe links, and personalized notes for you: $275.
Each additional hour: $100
A 4-hour combined personalized shopping tour and coaching session for one person including label reading, savvy shopping tips, cooking instruction, and recipe links: $550*
A personalized shopping tour includes review of detailed label reading, certification programs, overlooked sources of gluten and the selection of healthy, balanced ingredients and prepared foods specific to your dietary needs (1 ½ hours; $275)
Click here for more details. No charge for travel time within 20 minutes of me. We will meet in a large grocery store near you with tables for our coaching session.
Join my email list to learn about my upcoming online classes and stay current on gluten-free topics.
Just a few selections: