Delete the Wheat - Blog

Highlighting National Geographic Feb. 2025 Article “Is gluten really that bad for you? Here’s what happens when you stop eating it” by Christina Heiser

I was honored to be among those interviewed for this Feb 2025 article in National Geographic magazine. Gluten is not inherently unhealthy UNLESS you have a medical reason for avoiding it, such as celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity or a wheat allergy. Some people with irritable bowel syndrome report reduced gastrointestinal symptoms on the gluten-free diet though “the improvement is usually partial and not complete” per Ciaran Kelly, MD, a celiac gastroenterologist at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.

For those who must follow a gluten-free diet, I recommend combining the gluten-free diet with the world-renowned, highly awarded, anti-inflammatory Mediterranean diet/lifestyle for the optimal healthy diet.

Read the whole article here.


Melinda Dennis, MS, RDN

Hi! I was diagnosed with celiac disease and Dermatitis Herpetiformis (an associated skin rash) in 1992 when celiac disease was considered to be rare. Following my passion for teaching, I received my MS in Nutrition and Health Promotion from Simmons College in Boston, MA, completed my clinical internship at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and in 2004 co-founded the Celiac Center as the Nutrition Coordinator and a research co-investigator where I work today.

I enjoy lecturing nationally and internationally and have written extensively on the nutritional management of celiac disease, including the award-winning book Real Life with Celiac Disease: Troubleshooting and Thriving Gluten Free. I am lead author and editor of the comprehensive nutrition and medical website: and served two terms as the first dietitian Councilor at Large for the North American Society for the Study of Celiac Disease.

I now serve as Executive Committee Member of the Celiac Research Program at Harvard Medical School. and as Senior Nutritionist Consultant to the National Celiac Association.

I've been interviewed by NPR, US News and World Report, Today's Dietitian, Boston Magazine, AARP, Eating Well, the Harvard Health Letter, the Boston Globe, the LA Times, WCVB TV Boston, Fox News, and numerous radio stations and gluten-free magazines. It's been my pleasure to work with many patients and multiple gluten-free companies to advance the awareness of gluten-related disorders. Click here to access links to various interviews and articles.

Do you wish you knew how to better care for yourself or your patient on the gluten-free diet?

It all starts with a soup-to-nuts assessment of your physical, nutritional, social and emotional health. 

Click here to read a comprehensive, right off the press article on the nutritional assessment of patients with celiac disease and then send it to your own dietitian or doctor.  

I was honored to co-author this comprehensive article with my esteemed colleagues and friends – lead author dietitian Anne Lee, EdD, RD, dietitians Jessica Lebovits and Lori Welstead, Dr. Amelie Therrien, Dr. Ben Lebwohl and Dr. Ritu Verma.

A few KEY take-aways:

The frequency of visits with a dietitian skilled in celiac disease are sadly lacking worldwide. Standardized medical nutrition therapy for the gluten-free diet is also greatly overdue.

In our paper published online in early November, the team:

  • Called for ongoing nutrition monitoring of patients with celiac disease

  • Outlined a nutrition-focused physical and diet assessment of the person with celiac disease

  • Shone attention on the need for assessing and supporting  a person’s quality of life and psychosocial condition living on the gluten-free diet

  • Developed a new, short, easy-to-administer dietary adherence tool (GLUTEN-FREE DIET ADHERENCE SURVEY) which we will be validating in upcoming studies. 

The paper covers many topics: nutrient imbalances,  labs to check, weight concerns, managing two or more diseases with diet, oats, food insecurity, educational facilities, and more.

You will come away with a tremendous amount of useful information to share with your health care team. 

Thank you!

Melinda Dennis, MS, RDN

Hi! I was diagnosed with celiac disease and Dermatitis Herpetiformis (an associated skin rash) in 1992 when celiac disease was considered to be rare. Following my passion for teaching, I received my MS in Nutrition and Health Promotion from Simmons College in Boston, MA, completed my clinical internship at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and in 2004 co-founded the Celiac Center as the Nutrition Coordinator and a research co-investigator where I work today.

I enjoy lecturing nationally and internationally and have written extensively on the nutritional management of celiac disease, including the award-winning book Real Life with Celiac Disease: Troubleshooting and Thriving Gluten Free. I am lead author and editor of the comprehensive nutrition and medical website: and served two terms as the first dietitian Councilor at Large for the North American Society for the Study of Celiac Disease.

I now serve as Executive Committee Member of the Celiac Research Program at Harvard Medical School. and as Senior Nutritionist Consultant to the National Celiac Association.

I've been interviewed by NPR, US News and World Report, Today's Dietitian, Boston Magazine, AARP, Eating Well, the Harvard Health Letter, the Boston Globe, the LA Times, WCVB TV Boston, Fox News, and numerous radio stations and gluten-free magazines. It's been my pleasure to work with many patients and multiple gluten-free companies to advance the awareness of gluten-related disorders. Click here to access links to various interviews and articles.

AARP Article on Celiac Disease in People Over 50

According to a 2018 study by well-known celiac researchers, 25% of celiac diagnoses worldwide occur in those over 60 years old. My colleagues, expert celiac dietitian, Nancee Jaffe, and celiac gastroenterologist, Dr. Ciaran Kelly, and I share insights on living with celiac disease as an older adult in this AARP article.

Melinda Dennis, MS, RDN

Hi! I was diagnosed with celiac disease and Dermatitis Herpetiformis (an associated skin rash) in 1992 when celiac disease was considered to be rare. Following my passion for teaching, I received my MS in Nutrition and Health Promotion from Simmons College in Boston, MA, completed my clinical internship at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and in 2004 co-founded the Celiac Center as the Nutrition Coordinator and a research co-investigator where I work today.

I enjoy lecturing nationally and internationally and have written extensively on the nutritional management of celiac disease, including the award-winning book Real Life with Celiac Disease: Troubleshooting and Thriving Gluten Free. I am lead author and editor of the comprehensive nutrition and medical website: and served two terms as the first dietitian Councilor at Large for the North American Society for the Study of Celiac Disease.

I now serve as Executive Committee Member of the Celiac Research Program at Harvard Medical School. and as Senior Nutritionist Consultant to the National Celiac Association.

I've been interviewed by NPR, US News and World Report, Today's Dietitian, Boston Magazine, AARP, Eating Well, the Harvard Health Letter, the Boston Globe, the LA Times, WCVB TV Boston, Fox News, and numerous radio stations and gluten-free magazines. It's been my pleasure to work with many patients and multiple gluten-free companies to advance the awareness of gluten-related disorders. Click here to access links to various interviews and articles.

Dietary Assessment in the Individual with Celiac Disease

Nutrition guidelines for celiac disease, developed by our team of celiac specialist dietitians and gastroenterologists, will soon be published in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics. Currently, dietitians do not have a standardized set of guidelines for a nutritional and dietary assessment of patients with celiac disease following a gluten-free diet. Our team listed below developed specific recommendations based on our evidence based research and clinical expertise in the field. The paper offers a comprehensive review of labs, dietary review, nutritional markers, physical assessments, quality of life issues, controversial topics, and many others. In addition, we created an assessment tool to measure a patient’s eating behaviors, attitudes, and adherence to a gluten-free diet. 

Our team of celiac dietitians and gastroenterologists: 

Authors: Anne Lee, EdD, RDN, Jessica Lebovits, RD, CDN, and Benjamin Lebwohl, MD (Columbia University Medical Center, New York); Melinda Dennis, MS, RDN, LD, and Amelie Therrien, MD (Celiac Center, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston) Lori Welstead, MS, RDN and Ritu Verma, MD, University of Chicago); Joanna Perl, RD (Vanderbilt Center for Human Nutrition)

Abstract presented at ICDS 2024 in Sheffield, UK (Sept 2024)

Dietary Assessment in the Individual with Celiac Disease


Introduction: Celiac disease (CeD) is an immune-mediated reaction to ingested gluten, resulting in intestinal enteropathy with impaired absorption of nutrients. The only treatment for CeD is adherence to a gluten-free diet (GFD). Currently there is no standardized guidelines on dietary assessment of patients with CeD on a GFD.

Methods: A review of literature conducted between March 2023 until September 2023 of PubMed and Cochrane Library databases, using the search terms: ‘celiac disease and nutritional assessment’, ‘nutrient needs’, ‘nutrient deficiency’, ‘anthropometric measurements’, ‘cross-contact’, ‘quality of life’, ‘anxiety’ and ‘depression’. Original research studies and review articles in adult CeD populations were included. In total, 2167 articles were identified, 341 were selected for review and 190 were selected for inclusion in the study. 

Results: There is limited consensus on the components of nutritional and dietary assessment of patients with CeD who are following a GFD, especially in the clinical trial setting. Based on consensus from CeD specialist dietitians and gastroenterologists, specific recommendations were developed for nutritional assessment and dietary adherence. The assessment guidelines include clinical markers, physical assessments, controversial topics, environmental considerations, and the disease burden. A review of current dietary adherence tools indicated several limitations, thus a simplified tool for assessment of adherence to a GFD was developed based on the nutritional assessment to capture patients eating behaviors and attitudes. 

Conclusion: Despite a limited consensus in the literature, there is a need to translate research into clinical practice, resulting in clear guidelines on nutritional assessment and measuring dietary adherence in CeD.

Melinda Dennis, MS, RDN

Hi! I was diagnosed with celiac disease and Dermatitis Herpetiformis (an associated skin rash) in 1992 when celiac disease was considered to be rare. Following my passion for teaching, I received my MS in Nutrition and Health Promotion from Simmons College in Boston, MA, completed my clinical internship at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and in 2004 co-founded the Celiac Center as the Nutrition Coordinator and a research co-investigator where I work today.

I enjoy lecturing nationally and internationally and have written extensively on the nutritional management of celiac disease, including the award-winning book Real Life with Celiac Disease: Troubleshooting and Thriving Gluten Free. I am lead author and editor of the comprehensive nutrition and medical website: and served two terms as the first dietitian Councilor at Large for the North American Society for the Study of Celiac Disease.

I now serve as Executive Committee Member of the Celiac Research Program at Harvard Medical School. and as Senior Nutritionist Consultant to the National Celiac Association.

I've been interviewed by NPR, US News and World Report, Today's Dietitian, Boston Magazine, AARP, Eating Well, the Harvard Health Letter, the Boston Globe, the LA Times, WCVB TV Boston, Fox News, and numerous radio stations and gluten-free magazines. It's been my pleasure to work with many patients and multiple gluten-free companies to advance the awareness of gluten-related disorders. Click here to access links to various interviews and articles.

Fall 2024 Celiac Webinar

Hello All,

In case you have not yet heard….

Fall 2024 Celiac Webinar: From the Experts at Harvard Medical School and the National Celiac Association

In good health!


Highlights from the 20th International Celiac Disease Symposium

Join us for the first webinar in our Fall 2024 “Ask the Experts” series. Speakers will present on selected topics for 60 minutes, followed by 15 minutes for Q&A, on Wednesday, September 25, 2024, from 1:00 – 2:15 pm ET.

Learn the latest in celiac disease scientific and clinical findings from experts attending the 20th International Celiac Disease Symposium in Sheffield, United Kingdom from September 5-7. Daniel Leffler, MD, MS, AGAF, expert celiac disease gastroenterologist and Senior Medical Director at Takeda Pharmaceuticals, Gastroenterology, will summarize key takeaways from clinical and research areas for adults. Jocelyn Silvester, MD, PhD, co-director of the Celiac Disease Program at Boston Children’s Hospital, will present clinical and research news along with Nan Du, MD, MPH, pediatric gastroenterologist at BCH, who will present pediatric news. Edwin Liu, MD, Director, Colorado Center for Celiac Disease Children’s Hospital Colorado, will present on predicting celiac disease.

Dr. Leffler will also serve as moderator for the seminar and Chris Rich, executive director of the National Celiac Association will open and close the webinar. A Q&A session will follow the presentations; please submit general questions below or during the webinar on the Zoom platform.

Please note: This is an educational webinar, and no information is intended for diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. Please seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Continuing Education Units (CEUs): This course (220323-RSS) is approved by the Boston Children’s Hospital’s Continuing Education Department for 1.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits ™ for physicians, 1.25 contact hours for nurses, 1.25 ACE CE continuing education credits for social workers, and 1.25 CEUs for Registered Dietitians. Instructions for claiming credits will be made available during the webinar and transcripts will be available within 30 days.

To register:

Melinda Dennis, MS, RDN

Hi! I was diagnosed with celiac disease and Dermatitis Herpetiformis (an associated skin rash) in 1992 when celiac disease was considered to be rare. Following my passion for teaching, I received my MS in Nutrition and Health Promotion from Simmons College in Boston, MA, completed my clinical internship at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and in 2004 co-founded the Celiac Center as the Nutrition Coordinator and a research co-investigator where I work today.

I enjoy lecturing nationally and internationally and have written extensively on the nutritional management of celiac disease, including the award-winning book Real Life with Celiac Disease: Troubleshooting and Thriving Gluten Free. I am lead author and editor of the comprehensive nutrition and medical website: and served two terms as the first dietitian Councilor at Large for the North American Society for the Study of Celiac Disease.

I now serve as Executive Committee Member of the Celiac Research Program at Harvard Medical School. and as Senior Nutritionist Consultant to the National Celiac Association.

I've been interviewed by NPR, US News and World Report, Today's Dietitian, Boston Magazine, AARP, Eating Well, the Harvard Health Letter, the Boston Globe, the LA Times, WCVB TV Boston, Fox News, and numerous radio stations and gluten-free magazines. It's been my pleasure to work with many patients and multiple gluten-free companies to advance the awareness of gluten-related disorders. Click here to access links to various interviews and articles.

Healthy Gluten-Free Snacks


Here’s a quick shout out to healthy gluten-free snacks in an article by Insider Health.



Melinda Dennis, MS, RDN

Hi! I was diagnosed with celiac disease and Dermatitis Herpetiformis (an associated skin rash) in 1992 when celiac disease was considered to be rare. Following my passion for teaching, I received my MS in Nutrition and Health Promotion from Simmons College in Boston, MA, completed my clinical internship at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and in 2004 co-founded the Celiac Center as the Nutrition Coordinator and a research co-investigator where I work today.

I enjoy lecturing nationally and internationally and have written extensively on the nutritional management of celiac disease, including the award-winning book Real Life with Celiac Disease: Troubleshooting and Thriving Gluten Free. I am lead author and editor of the comprehensive nutrition and medical website: and served two terms as the first dietitian Councilor at Large for the North American Society for the Study of Celiac Disease.

I now serve as Executive Committee Member of the Celiac Research Program at Harvard Medical School. and as Senior Nutritionist Consultant to the National Celiac Association.

I've been interviewed by NPR, US News and World Report, Today's Dietitian, Boston Magazine, AARP, Eating Well, the Harvard Health Letter, the Boston Globe, the LA Times, WCVB TV Boston, Fox News, and numerous radio stations and gluten-free magazines. It's been my pleasure to work with many patients and multiple gluten-free companies to advance the awareness of gluten-related disorders. Click here to access links to various interviews and articles.

“Gluten-Free Farm to Table: Delicious, Nutritious and Affordable Options for Whole Food.

From the Experts: Join Our Virtual Monthly Meeting on “All Things Celiac”

“Gluten-Free Farm to Table: Delicious, Nutritious and Affordable Options for Whole Food.”


Join the National Celiac Association (NCA) and the Harvard Medical School Celiac Research Program for a closer look at local, seasonal produce, home herb gardens, and healthy gluten-free dishes featuring gluten-free grains with a registered dietitian and chef. The third webinar in our “All Things Celiac” 2021 series will be held Thursday, April 15, 2021 at 1:00pm EST. Speakers will present on selected topics for 60 minutes, followed by 15 minutes for Q&A.


Health begins with the whole foods we select to nourish ourselves from the inside out. Straight from a farm’s greenhouse on Cape Cod, registered dietitian, Nicole Cormier, will introduce us to this spring’s highlighted seasonal produce found at your local farmers’ markets along with simple, unique ways to prepare them. Learn how local and seasonally grown food benefits your own microbiome and our environment and how to create your own kitchen or outdoor herb garden, featuring easy to grow medicinal and culinary herbs. Chef and former editor of Bon Appétit, Kristine Kidd, will demonstrate easy cooking techniques for three delicious and nutrient-rich grains, enhanced with vegetables, fruits, and herbs that add diversity and flavor to the gluten-free diet. After learning these simple techniques, you’ll be cooking an endless variety of easy, elegant and gluten-free meals with the confidence of a backyard garden gourmet chef.


Lee Graham, Executive Director of the National Celiac Association, will introduce the webinar and Melinda Dennis, MS, RDN, LD, Nutrition Coordinator of the Celiac Center at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, will moderate the session. Please submit general questions below or during the webinar on the Zoom platform.


Please note: This is an educational webinar, and no information is intended for diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. Please seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


Continuing Education Units (CEUs): 1.25 CEU for Registered Dietitians (pending). CEU certificates will be sent to participants via email after completion of webinar.




Upcoming Webinar:


Wednesday, May 25: “Research Roundup: Promising Therapies for Celiac Disease” – A panel with gastroenterologists from the Celiac Center at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston Children’s Hospital’s Celiac Program, and the Center for Celiac Research and Treatment, Massachusetts General Hospital, will highlight the latest research from Digestive Disease Week for treatment alternatives to the gluten-free diet.

Melinda Dennis, MS, RDN

Hi! I was diagnosed with celiac disease and Dermatitis Herpetiformis (an associated skin rash) in 1992 when celiac disease was considered to be rare. Following my passion for teaching, I received my MS in Nutrition and Health Promotion from Simmons College in Boston, MA, completed my clinical internship at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and in 2004 co-founded the Celiac Center as the Nutrition Coordinator and a research co-investigator where I work today.

I enjoy lecturing nationally and internationally and have written extensively on the nutritional management of celiac disease, including the award-winning book Real Life with Celiac Disease: Troubleshooting and Thriving Gluten Free. I am lead author and editor of the comprehensive nutrition and medical website: and served two terms as the first dietitian Councilor at Large for the North American Society for the Study of Celiac Disease.

I now serve as Executive Committee Member of the Celiac Research Program at Harvard Medical School. and as Senior Nutritionist Consultant to the National Celiac Association.

I've been interviewed by NPR, US News and World Report, Today's Dietitian, Boston Magazine, AARP, Eating Well, the Harvard Health Letter, the Boston Globe, the LA Times, WCVB TV Boston, Fox News, and numerous radio stations and gluten-free magazines. It's been my pleasure to work with many patients and multiple gluten-free companies to advance the awareness of gluten-related disorders. Click here to access links to various interviews and articles.

Get the Facts on COVID-19 Vaccines and Celiac Disease

Get the Facts on COVID-19 Vaccines and Celiac Disease

Register here:

Join the National Celiac Association (NCA) and the Harvard Medical School Celiac Research Program for a discussion on celiac disease and COVID-19 vaccines. The second webinar in our “All Things Celiac” 2021 series will be held Thursday, March 25, 2021 at 1:00pm EST. Speakers will present on selected topics for 60 minutes, followed by 15 minutes for Q&A.

Addressing the COVID-19 pandemic requires understanding variations in the human immune system, how different groups are affected by the virus, and how we can leverage science to develop targeted vaccines to protect us. Dr. Ofer Levy, director of the Precisions Vaccine Program in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Boston Children’s Hospital and Dr. Lael Yonker, pediatric pulmonologist and co-founder of the Pediatric COVID-19 Biorepository at Massachusetts General Hospital, will lead the discussion to help attendees understand what is known about the COVID-19 virus today and how new developments will help to contain community spread of the virus.

Lee Graham, executive director of the National Celiac Association, will introduce the webinar and Dr. Dascha Weir, pediatric gastroenterologist in the Boston Children’s Hospital’s Celiac Disease Program, will moderate the session. Please submit general questions when you register or during the webinar on the Zoom platform.

Please note: This is an educational webinar, and no information is intended for diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. Please seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Continuing Education Units (CEUs): 1.25 CEU for Registered Dietitians (pending); 1.5 CEUs for Registered Nurses. CEU certificates will be sent to participants via email after completion of webinar.

Save The Dates!

Thursday, April 15: “Gluten-Free Farm to Table: Delicious, Nutritious and Affordable Options for Whole Food.” A closer look at local, seasonal produce, home herb gardens, and healthy gluten-free dishes featuring gluten-free grains with a registered dietitian and chef

Wednesday, May 25: “Research Roundup: Promising Therapies for Celiac Disease” – A panel with gastroenterologists from the Celiac Center at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston Children’s Hospital’s Celiac Program, and the Center for Celiac Research and Treatment, Massachusetts General Hospital, will highlight the latest research from Digestive Disease Week for treatment alternatives to the gluten-free diet.

Melinda Dennis, MS, RDN

Hi! I was diagnosed with celiac disease and Dermatitis Herpetiformis (an associated skin rash) in 1992 when celiac disease was considered to be rare. Following my passion for teaching, I received my MS in Nutrition and Health Promotion from Simmons College in Boston, MA, completed my clinical internship at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and in 2004 co-founded the Celiac Center as the Nutrition Coordinator and a research co-investigator where I work today.

I enjoy lecturing nationally and internationally and have written extensively on the nutritional management of celiac disease, including the award-winning book Real Life with Celiac Disease: Troubleshooting and Thriving Gluten Free. I am lead author and editor of the comprehensive nutrition and medical website: and served two terms as the first dietitian Councilor at Large for the North American Society for the Study of Celiac Disease.

I now serve as Executive Committee Member of the Celiac Research Program at Harvard Medical School. and as Senior Nutritionist Consultant to the National Celiac Association.

I've been interviewed by NPR, US News and World Report, Today's Dietitian, Boston Magazine, AARP, Eating Well, the Harvard Health Letter, the Boston Globe, the LA Times, WCVB TV Boston, Fox News, and numerous radio stations and gluten-free magazines. It's been my pleasure to work with many patients and multiple gluten-free companies to advance the awareness of gluten-related disorders. Click here to access links to various interviews and articles.

New Video Online

Hi All,

My “Gluten-Free Makeover: Nutrition Assessment & Education for a Healthier You” video is now up on the National Celiac Association’s San Diego site.

The video will be available for viewing through April 2021.


In good health!

Melinda Dennis, MS, RDN

Hi! I was diagnosed with celiac disease and Dermatitis Herpetiformis (an associated skin rash) in 1992 when celiac disease was considered to be rare. Following my passion for teaching, I received my MS in Nutrition and Health Promotion from Simmons College in Boston, MA, completed my clinical internship at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and in 2004 co-founded the Celiac Center as the Nutrition Coordinator and a research co-investigator where I work today.

I enjoy lecturing nationally and internationally and have written extensively on the nutritional management of celiac disease, including the award-winning book Real Life with Celiac Disease: Troubleshooting and Thriving Gluten Free. I am lead author and editor of the comprehensive nutrition and medical website: and served two terms as the first dietitian Councilor at Large for the North American Society for the Study of Celiac Disease.

I now serve as Executive Committee Member of the Celiac Research Program at Harvard Medical School. and as Senior Nutritionist Consultant to the National Celiac Association.

I've been interviewed by NPR, US News and World Report, Today's Dietitian, Boston Magazine, AARP, Eating Well, the Harvard Health Letter, the Boston Globe, the LA Times, WCVB TV Boston, Fox News, and numerous radio stations and gluten-free magazines. It's been my pleasure to work with many patients and multiple gluten-free companies to advance the awareness of gluten-related disorders. Click here to access links to various interviews and articles.

From the Experts: Join Our Virtual Monthly Meeting on "All Things Celiac"

Join the National Celiac Association (NCA) and the Harvard Medical School Celiac Research Program for the first webinar in our “All Things Celiac” 2021 series, “More Than Celiac Disease: Managing Multiple Autoimmune Conditions” on Thursday, February 11, 2021. Speakers will present on selected topics for 60 minutes, followed by 15 minutes for Q&A. All meetings will begin at 1 pm Eastern Time.

Managing celiac disease presents unique medical, emotional and social challenges; having more than one autoimmune disease in an individual or family requires additional coping skills. Join Dr. Edwin Liu, Director of the Colorado Center for Celiac Disease, and Janis Arnold, MSW, LICSW, licensed social worker at Boston Children’s Hospital for a compelling session on science and social support. Dr. Liu will address the types of autoimmune diseases associated with celiac disease, recommendations for monitoring, and the role of gluten in the development of autoimmunity. Janis will talk about the social worker’s role on the medical care team, identify the developmental stages a patient goes through in adjusting to a chronic illness, and describe approaches and resources to assist in managing the psychosocial aspects.

Lee Graham, Executive Director of the National Celiac Association, will introduce the webinar and Dr. Daniel Leffler, a gastroenterologist in the Celiac Center at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, will moderate the session. Please submit general questions below or during the webinar on the Zoom platform.

Continuing Education Units (CEUs): 1.25 CEU for Registered Dietitians (pending); 1.5 CEUS for Registered Nurses.


To register for this free webinar, please visit:


Upcoming Webinars:

Thursday, March 25: COVID-19 Vaccines: What You Need to Know for Celiac Disease

April (TBD): Gluten-Free Farm to Table: Delicious, Nutritious and Affordable Options for Real Food

Wednesday, May 25: Research Roundup: Promising Therapies for Celiac Disease – a panel with doctors from the Celiac Center at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston Children’s Hospital’s Celiac Program, and the Center for Celiac Research and Treatment, Massachusetts General Hospital


We look forward to being with you on zoom!

Melinda Dennis, MS, RDN, LD

Melinda Dennis, MS, RDN

Hi! I was diagnosed with celiac disease and Dermatitis Herpetiformis (an associated skin rash) in 1992 when celiac disease was considered to be rare. Following my passion for teaching, I received my MS in Nutrition and Health Promotion from Simmons College in Boston, MA, completed my clinical internship at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and in 2004 co-founded the Celiac Center as the Nutrition Coordinator and a research co-investigator where I work today.

I enjoy lecturing nationally and internationally and have written extensively on the nutritional management of celiac disease, including the award-winning book Real Life with Celiac Disease: Troubleshooting and Thriving Gluten Free. I am lead author and editor of the comprehensive nutrition and medical website: and served two terms as the first dietitian Councilor at Large for the North American Society for the Study of Celiac Disease.

I now serve as Executive Committee Member of the Celiac Research Program at Harvard Medical School. and as Senior Nutritionist Consultant to the National Celiac Association.

I've been interviewed by NPR, US News and World Report, Today's Dietitian, Boston Magazine, AARP, Eating Well, the Harvard Health Letter, the Boston Globe, the LA Times, WCVB TV Boston, Fox News, and numerous radio stations and gluten-free magazines. It's been my pleasure to work with many patients and multiple gluten-free companies to advance the awareness of gluten-related disorders. Click here to access links to various interviews and articles.

Free Webinar Saturday: "A Gluten Free Makeover"

The National Celiac Association San Diego invites you to a Zoom Webinar: A Gluten-Free Makeover: Nutrition Assessment & Education for a Healthier You

Saturday, January 30, 2021 at 10:00 - 11am PST

Guest Speaker: Melinda Dennis, MS, RD, LDN

Please email your questions to

To reserve your spot (limited to 100): visit

TOPIC: I’ll review the case of a fictitious patient to explain how a celiac dietitian assesses symptoms, labs, and diet and then helps her patient set goals to reduce gluten exposure and promote a healthier gut and weight.

I hope to see you there!

NCA San Diego.jpg

Melinda Dennis, MS, RDN

Hi! I was diagnosed with celiac disease and Dermatitis Herpetiformis (an associated skin rash) in 1992 when celiac disease was considered to be rare. Following my passion for teaching, I received my MS in Nutrition and Health Promotion from Simmons College in Boston, MA, completed my clinical internship at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and in 2004 co-founded the Celiac Center as the Nutrition Coordinator and a research co-investigator where I work today.

I enjoy lecturing nationally and internationally and have written extensively on the nutritional management of celiac disease, including the award-winning book Real Life with Celiac Disease: Troubleshooting and Thriving Gluten Free. I am lead author and editor of the comprehensive nutrition and medical website: and served two terms as the first dietitian Councilor at Large for the North American Society for the Study of Celiac Disease.

I now serve as Executive Committee Member of the Celiac Research Program at Harvard Medical School. and as Senior Nutritionist Consultant to the National Celiac Association.

I've been interviewed by NPR, US News and World Report, Today's Dietitian, Boston Magazine, AARP, Eating Well, the Harvard Health Letter, the Boston Globe, the LA Times, WCVB TV Boston, Fox News, and numerous radio stations and gluten-free magazines. It's been my pleasure to work with many patients and multiple gluten-free companies to advance the awareness of gluten-related disorders. Click here to access links to various interviews and articles.

Register for Virtual Celiac Symposium

News below from the Harvard Medical School Celiac Research Program
In health,

Our Celiac Symposium Is Going Virtual!

 From the Experts: Join Our Virtual Monthly Meeting on "All Things Celiac"

The National Celiac Association (NCA) and the Harvard Medical School Celiac Research Program are co-hosting a 75-minute virtual monthly meeting from September through December 2020. Speakers will present on selected topics for 60 minutes, followed by 15 minutes for Q&A. All meetings will begin at 1 pm Eastern Time.
"Celiac Disease and COVID-19" is the topic for Wednesday, September 23, with Dr. Alessio Fasano, director of the Center for Celiac Research and Treatment at Massachusetts General Hospital, and Dr. Jonathan Li, director of the Harvard University Virology Specialty Laboratory. Moderator is Dr. Alan Leichtner, director of the Celiac Disease Research Program at Boston Children's Hospital.

To register for this free webinar, please visit:

CEUs offered for registered dietitians (pending) and nurses (approved).

 Monthly Topics:

 *Wednesday, September 23: From the Experts: Latest Guidance on COVID-19 and Celiac Disease

 *Thursday, October 22: Cooking "Gluten Free" with Demonstrations and 2020 Holiday Inspirations

*Thursday, November 19: How Good Nutrition Feeds Our Bodies and Minds

*Thursday, December 17: A New Perspective: The Psychology of Dealing with a Chronic Disease

Melinda Dennis, MS, RDN

Hi! I was diagnosed with celiac disease and Dermatitis Herpetiformis (an associated skin rash) in 1992 when celiac disease was considered to be rare. Following my passion for teaching, I received my MS in Nutrition and Health Promotion from Simmons College in Boston, MA, completed my clinical internship at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and in 2004 co-founded the Celiac Center as the Nutrition Coordinator and a research co-investigator where I work today.

I enjoy lecturing nationally and internationally and have written extensively on the nutritional management of celiac disease, including the award-winning book Real Life with Celiac Disease: Troubleshooting and Thriving Gluten Free. I am lead author and editor of the comprehensive nutrition and medical website: and served two terms as the first dietitian Councilor at Large for the North American Society for the Study of Celiac Disease.

I now serve as Executive Committee Member of the Celiac Research Program at Harvard Medical School. and as Senior Nutritionist Consultant to the National Celiac Association.

I've been interviewed by NPR, US News and World Report, Today's Dietitian, Boston Magazine, AARP, Eating Well, the Harvard Health Letter, the Boston Globe, the LA Times, WCVB TV Boston, Fox News, and numerous radio stations and gluten-free magazines. It's been my pleasure to work with many patients and multiple gluten-free companies to advance the awareness of gluten-related disorders. Click here to access links to various interviews and articles.

New Treating Gluten Related Disorders Certificate of Training

Dear Fellow Dietitians,

I’m delighted to share that the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics just released the “Treating Gluten Related Disorders” Certificate of Training. The COT is comprised of five modules created and narrated by a variety of experts in the field. Reimbursement information from the national support groups will be coming soon. Click here for more information:

Wishing you the best,


Melinda Dennis, MS, RDN

Hi! I was diagnosed with celiac disease and Dermatitis Herpetiformis (an associated skin rash) in 1992 when celiac disease was considered to be rare. Following my passion for teaching, I received my MS in Nutrition and Health Promotion from Simmons College in Boston, MA, completed my clinical internship at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and in 2004 co-founded the Celiac Center as the Nutrition Coordinator and a research co-investigator where I work today.

I enjoy lecturing nationally and internationally and have written extensively on the nutritional management of celiac disease, including the award-winning book Real Life with Celiac Disease: Troubleshooting and Thriving Gluten Free. I am lead author and editor of the comprehensive nutrition and medical website: and served two terms as the first dietitian Councilor at Large for the North American Society for the Study of Celiac Disease.

I now serve as Executive Committee Member of the Celiac Research Program at Harvard Medical School. and as Senior Nutritionist Consultant to the National Celiac Association.

I've been interviewed by NPR, US News and World Report, Today's Dietitian, Boston Magazine, AARP, Eating Well, the Harvard Health Letter, the Boston Globe, the LA Times, WCVB TV Boston, Fox News, and numerous radio stations and gluten-free magazines. It's been my pleasure to work with many patients and multiple gluten-free companies to advance the awareness of gluten-related disorders. Click here to access links to various interviews and articles.

Support Gluten-Free Food Pantries

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

You are all in my thoughts and I'm hoping you are well and are staying healthy. 

The gluten-free community needs help urgently.  We are finding that many food banks around the country are desperately facing shortages of gluten-free food during this COVID-19 pandemic.  In response to this need, the National Celiac Association (NCA) started an emergency effort to connect gluten-free food companies with food pantries in 9 states so far around the country.  NCA is helping by either buying food or paying for shipping to these food pantries.  They are also raising money so they can broaden their assistance to additional states.  

If you would like to contribute, know of a gluten-free company who might contribute, or would like to volunteer to help NCA connect with other foodbanks, please click here for more information. If you know of individuals who are facing gluten-free food insecurities, please encourage them to reach out to NCA at and they will try to connect them with a food pantry in their area with gluten-free food options.  Also, if you could share or like this Facebook post about this situation, that would be a great help:

With much appreciation,

Julie Bradley on behalf of Melinda Dennis

Melinda Dennis, MS, RDN

Hi! I was diagnosed with celiac disease and Dermatitis Herpetiformis (an associated skin rash) in 1992 when celiac disease was considered to be rare. Following my passion for teaching, I received my MS in Nutrition and Health Promotion from Simmons College in Boston, MA, completed my clinical internship at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and in 2004 co-founded the Celiac Center as the Nutrition Coordinator and a research co-investigator where I work today.

I enjoy lecturing nationally and internationally and have written extensively on the nutritional management of celiac disease, including the award-winning book Real Life with Celiac Disease: Troubleshooting and Thriving Gluten Free. I am lead author and editor of the comprehensive nutrition and medical website: and served two terms as the first dietitian Councilor at Large for the North American Society for the Study of Celiac Disease.

I now serve as Executive Committee Member of the Celiac Research Program at Harvard Medical School. and as Senior Nutritionist Consultant to the National Celiac Association.

I've been interviewed by NPR, US News and World Report, Today's Dietitian, Boston Magazine, AARP, Eating Well, the Harvard Health Letter, the Boston Globe, the LA Times, WCVB TV Boston, Fox News, and numerous radio stations and gluten-free magazines. It's been my pleasure to work with many patients and multiple gluten-free companies to advance the awareness of gluten-related disorders. Click here to access links to various interviews and articles.

Mislabeled Gluten-Free Products

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

The gluten-free community would greatly benefit from your help with encouraging the FDA to enforce its gluten-free labeling rule.  

There is a growing list of products reported to the FDA which are incorrectly labeled gluten-free, in violation of the FDA's gluten-free labeling rule.  These products include a gluten-free claim on the packaging yet contain wheat, wheat flour, barley malt, or other gluten-containing grain. Dietitian Tricia Thompson, of Gluten Free Watchdog, is once again leading the charge to help expose these confusing labels and unsafe products.  She recommends that consumers and dietitians engage in a letter-writing campaign to the Health and Human Services leadership at the Food and Drug Administration. 

Sample letters and a running list of misbranded products are available on her website along with addresses here

If you find a product that you believe is misbranded, Tricia asks that you include a photo of that product along with your letter. 

Thank you for any help you can provide!



Melinda Dennis, MS, RDN

Hi! I was diagnosed with celiac disease and Dermatitis Herpetiformis (an associated skin rash) in 1992 when celiac disease was considered to be rare. Following my passion for teaching, I received my MS in Nutrition and Health Promotion from Simmons College in Boston, MA, completed my clinical internship at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and in 2004 co-founded the Celiac Center as the Nutrition Coordinator and a research co-investigator where I work today.

I enjoy lecturing nationally and internationally and have written extensively on the nutritional management of celiac disease, including the award-winning book Real Life with Celiac Disease: Troubleshooting and Thriving Gluten Free. I am lead author and editor of the comprehensive nutrition and medical website: and served two terms as the first dietitian Councilor at Large for the North American Society for the Study of Celiac Disease.

I now serve as Executive Committee Member of the Celiac Research Program at Harvard Medical School. and as Senior Nutritionist Consultant to the National Celiac Association.

I've been interviewed by NPR, US News and World Report, Today's Dietitian, Boston Magazine, AARP, Eating Well, the Harvard Health Letter, the Boston Globe, the LA Times, WCVB TV Boston, Fox News, and numerous radio stations and gluten-free magazines. It's been my pleasure to work with many patients and multiple gluten-free companies to advance the awareness of gluten-related disorders. Click here to access links to various interviews and articles.

Pizza Cross Contact Report by Good Morning America

Dining out is one of the biggest challenges for a person living with celiac disease. And, to be frank, restaurants offer varying levels of safety from cross contact to those with celiac disease and gluten-related disorders. A pizza parlor, with flour flying in the air and settling on counter tops, utensils, and even the wait staff, is one area of significant concern. ABC News did a well-done segment entitled “Gluten-free pizza may not be safe from cross-contamination at restaurants.”

Take a look.

Unfortunately, two of the fifteen pizzas GMA ordered exceeded the FDA’s 20 parts per million threshold for gluten-free food, despite initial assurances to producers that the pizzas were safe for someone with celiac to consume.

Once again, I’d like to commend Gluten Free Watchdog, LLC for working behind the scenes on this, helping the team at GMA understand how to sample and test these pizzas. *

Wishing you a safe and happy Fourth of July,


 * I have no financial interest in Gluten Free Watchdog, LLC.

Melinda Dennis, MS, RDN

Hi! I was diagnosed with celiac disease and Dermatitis Herpetiformis (an associated skin rash) in 1992 when celiac disease was considered to be rare. Following my passion for teaching, I received my MS in Nutrition and Health Promotion from Simmons College in Boston, MA, completed my clinical internship at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and in 2004 co-founded the Celiac Center as the Nutrition Coordinator and a research co-investigator where I work today.

I enjoy lecturing nationally and internationally and have written extensively on the nutritional management of celiac disease, including the award-winning book Real Life with Celiac Disease: Troubleshooting and Thriving Gluten Free. I am lead author and editor of the comprehensive nutrition and medical website: and served two terms as the first dietitian Councilor at Large for the North American Society for the Study of Celiac Disease.

I now serve as Executive Committee Member of the Celiac Research Program at Harvard Medical School. and as Senior Nutritionist Consultant to the National Celiac Association.

I've been interviewed by NPR, US News and World Report, Today's Dietitian, Boston Magazine, AARP, Eating Well, the Harvard Health Letter, the Boston Globe, the LA Times, WCVB TV Boston, Fox News, and numerous radio stations and gluten-free magazines. It's been my pleasure to work with many patients and multiple gluten-free companies to advance the awareness of gluten-related disorders. Click here to access links to various interviews and articles.

Gluten Free Watchdog Calls to Action for Celiac Disease Awareness Month

Gluten Free Watchdog has celebrated Celiac Disease Awareness Month with 4 highly relevant topics in the gluten free community.

Please read her 4 calls to action in May: restaurant use of the term “gluten-free,” a mascot for the celiac disease community, the gluten in medicine disclosure act, and allergen advisory statements for wheat on foods labeled gluten-free.


You can make a difference for all of us by participating in the calls to action.


Thank you,


Melinda Dennis, MS, RDN

Hi! I was diagnosed with celiac disease and Dermatitis Herpetiformis (an associated skin rash) in 1992 when celiac disease was considered to be rare. Following my passion for teaching, I received my MS in Nutrition and Health Promotion from Simmons College in Boston, MA, completed my clinical internship at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and in 2004 co-founded the Celiac Center as the Nutrition Coordinator and a research co-investigator where I work today.

I enjoy lecturing nationally and internationally and have written extensively on the nutritional management of celiac disease, including the award-winning book Real Life with Celiac Disease: Troubleshooting and Thriving Gluten Free. I am lead author and editor of the comprehensive nutrition and medical website: and served two terms as the first dietitian Councilor at Large for the North American Society for the Study of Celiac Disease.

I now serve as Executive Committee Member of the Celiac Research Program at Harvard Medical School. and as Senior Nutritionist Consultant to the National Celiac Association.

I've been interviewed by NPR, US News and World Report, Today's Dietitian, Boston Magazine, AARP, Eating Well, the Harvard Health Letter, the Boston Globe, the LA Times, WCVB TV Boston, Fox News, and numerous radio stations and gluten-free magazines. It's been my pleasure to work with many patients and multiple gluten-free companies to advance the awareness of gluten-related disorders. Click here to access links to various interviews and articles.

Newest Ask the Dietitian Questions About Follow-Up Care and Silent Celiac Disease

Melinda Dennis, MS, RDN

Hi! I was diagnosed with celiac disease and Dermatitis Herpetiformis (an associated skin rash) in 1992 when celiac disease was considered to be rare. Following my passion for teaching, I received my MS in Nutrition and Health Promotion from Simmons College in Boston, MA, completed my clinical internship at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and in 2004 co-founded the Celiac Center as the Nutrition Coordinator and a research co-investigator where I work today.

I enjoy lecturing nationally and internationally and have written extensively on the nutritional management of celiac disease, including the award-winning book Real Life with Celiac Disease: Troubleshooting and Thriving Gluten Free. I am lead author and editor of the comprehensive nutrition and medical website: and served two terms as the first dietitian Councilor at Large for the North American Society for the Study of Celiac Disease.

I now serve as Executive Committee Member of the Celiac Research Program at Harvard Medical School. and as Senior Nutritionist Consultant to the National Celiac Association.

I've been interviewed by NPR, US News and World Report, Today's Dietitian, Boston Magazine, AARP, Eating Well, the Harvard Health Letter, the Boston Globe, the LA Times, WCVB TV Boston, Fox News, and numerous radio stations and gluten-free magazines. It's been my pleasure to work with many patients and multiple gluten-free companies to advance the awareness of gluten-related disorders. Click here to access links to various interviews and articles.

Two New ‘Ask the Dietitian’ Answers for the National Celiac Association

I just finished two new ‘Ask the Dietitian’ answers for the National Celiac Association.  The links to those are below.

Q: What should I do if I follow a strict gluten-free diet but am still unwell?

Q: How frequently should I see a registered dietitian? And why?


Melinda Dennis, MS, RDN

Hi! I was diagnosed with celiac disease and Dermatitis Herpetiformis (an associated skin rash) in 1992 when celiac disease was considered to be rare. Following my passion for teaching, I received my MS in Nutrition and Health Promotion from Simmons College in Boston, MA, completed my clinical internship at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and in 2004 co-founded the Celiac Center as the Nutrition Coordinator and a research co-investigator where I work today.

I enjoy lecturing nationally and internationally and have written extensively on the nutritional management of celiac disease, including the award-winning book Real Life with Celiac Disease: Troubleshooting and Thriving Gluten Free. I am lead author and editor of the comprehensive nutrition and medical website: and served two terms as the first dietitian Councilor at Large for the North American Society for the Study of Celiac Disease.

I now serve as Executive Committee Member of the Celiac Research Program at Harvard Medical School. and as Senior Nutritionist Consultant to the National Celiac Association.

I've been interviewed by NPR, US News and World Report, Today's Dietitian, Boston Magazine, AARP, Eating Well, the Harvard Health Letter, the Boston Globe, the LA Times, WCVB TV Boston, Fox News, and numerous radio stations and gluten-free magazines. It's been my pleasure to work with many patients and multiple gluten-free companies to advance the awareness of gluten-related disorders. Click here to access links to various interviews and articles.


I’m excited to let you be among the first to know about the release of a new book for individuals with gluten-related disorders, dietitians, and clinicians published in conjunction with the Gastroenterology Clinics of North America.  The book’s chief editors are Benjamin Lebwohl, MD, MS and Peter H.R. Green, MD. Alan L. Buchman, MD, MSPH, FACN, FACG, FACP, AGAF was the consulting editor. The work was a major collaboration between more than 30 experts from many adult and pediatric celiac centers in the United States and around the world.


The book is a compilation of the latest facts about celiac disease, including who it is most likely to affect, the changing presentation of celiac disease, and our understanding of why and how it affects individuals.  For those with celiac disease or loved ones with celiac disease, this book provides a detailed description of the current dietary treatment, standards for follow up care, usefulness of new real-time dietary adherence assessment tools, and future non-dietary therapies on the horizon to treat celiac disease.  Other articles address areas on the frontier of celiac disease research, including the rise in its incidence in Asia, our understanding of the interaction between celiac disease and the microbiome, and breakthroughs in the diagnosis and treatment of refractory celiac diseases. Our current understanding of nonceliac gluten sensitivity is also touched upon.


Anne R. Lee, EdD, RDN, LD, Tara McCarthy, MS, RDN, and I collaborated on the “Nutritional Considerations of the Gluten-Free Diet” chapter in the book.  This section addresses the vital importance of seeing a registered dietitian for initial and ongoing education about the gluten-free diet (GFD). Celiac specializing dietitians play a crucial role in mitigating health risks, ensuring appropriate nutritional content in the diet, providing ongoing updates related to the diet and labeling-related regulatory changes, and aiding in providing social and emotional guidance related to improving the patient’s quality of life.  This chapter also discusses the causes of nonresponsive celiac disease including gluten exposure, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, irritable bowel syndrome, lactose intolerance, microscopic colitis, food allergies, eating disorders, disaccharide deficiency, and refractory celiac disease.


The book is available now electronically through Amazon (via Kindle) or a print version can be pre-ordered through Amazon here:

Individual articles/chapters from the book are available for purchase here:

Finally, for those with university library access, each chapter can be downloaded separately.

Written by Julie Bradley on behalf of Melinda Dennis, MS, RDN, LD

Melinda Dennis, MS, RDN

Hi! I was diagnosed with celiac disease and Dermatitis Herpetiformis (an associated skin rash) in 1992 when celiac disease was considered to be rare. Following my passion for teaching, I received my MS in Nutrition and Health Promotion from Simmons College in Boston, MA, completed my clinical internship at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and in 2004 co-founded the Celiac Center as the Nutrition Coordinator and a research co-investigator where I work today.

I enjoy lecturing nationally and internationally and have written extensively on the nutritional management of celiac disease, including the award-winning book Real Life with Celiac Disease: Troubleshooting and Thriving Gluten Free. I am lead author and editor of the comprehensive nutrition and medical website: and served two terms as the first dietitian Councilor at Large for the North American Society for the Study of Celiac Disease.

I now serve as Executive Committee Member of the Celiac Research Program at Harvard Medical School. and as Senior Nutritionist Consultant to the National Celiac Association.

I've been interviewed by NPR, US News and World Report, Today's Dietitian, Boston Magazine, AARP, Eating Well, the Harvard Health Letter, the Boston Globe, the LA Times, WCVB TV Boston, Fox News, and numerous radio stations and gluten-free magazines. It's been my pleasure to work with many patients and multiple gluten-free companies to advance the awareness of gluten-related disorders. Click here to access links to various interviews and articles.