Get In Touch!
You want more information about, or to register for my upcoming online classes, cooking classes or a gluten-free wellness retreat
You would like to invite me for a speaking engagement or dietitian training session
You have a nutrition idea or project I can help implement
The best way to get in touch with me is by email at:
Follow Delete the Wheat on Facebook or Instagram for regular updates on important gluten-free news, as well as information about upcoming online classes or retreats.
If you don’t use Facebook or Instagram or don’t look at it very often, hit the SUBSCRIBE button below to get emails specifically about my upcoming online classes and gluten-related topics.
Of Note:
-If you need a clinical nutrition visit, you can schedule an appointment with me at the Celiac Center at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center: 617-667-2193. At Beth Israel, I am currently only seeing patients who are being seen by doctors of the BIDMC Celiac Center.
-To locate a BIDMC gastroenterologist or other physician specializing in celiac disease:
Please note that this website is intended for general educational information on the gluten-free diet and lifestyle. I regret that I will be unable to address specific clinical questions via email.