Dates: Wednesdays March 19th, March 26th, April 2nd and April 9th 2024

Time: 7 - 8:15pm EST/ 4 - 5:15 PST

You are registering for the 4-week online group education course “Advanced Skills for Mastering Gluten-Free Living” led by Melinda Dennis, celiac-specializing registered dietitian.

For this course, you: 

  • Agree to install the video conferencing app (Zoom) for webinars on your computer and login to the online classroom.  We will provide instructions.

  • Need to be comfortable being in an online educational group teaching setting (you are encouraged to keep your video on to engage with Melinda and other students).

  • Acknowledge that you are attending a group education course on the gluten-free diet and lifestyle. You are not receiving medical or nutrition recommendations specific to your personal history. This course does not replace your clinical visits with your registered dietitian or doctor. This course does not qualify for insurance coverage. 

  • Agree that you will not share the course links with others.

  • Authorize Melinda Dennis and Delete the Wheat, LLC® to correspond with you using email, understanding that email falls within public domain and cannot be considered confidential.

  • Authorize Melinda Dennis and Delete the Wheat, LLC® to leave messages, only as needed, on your answering machine.

  • Consent to sharing your personal information, including without limitation your name, telephone number, address, and email address for Delete the Wheat, LLC® administrative purposes, including billing.

  • Hereby release and forever discharge Melinda Dennis and Delete the Wheat, LLC, Melinda’s assistant(s) and guest speakers, restaurants, and companies supplying gluten-free products, samples, or coupons for the course from any and all liability for damages due to accidental exposure to gluten or to any of your food allergies or intolerances, or injury or death to yourself, or from any claim based upon negligence, recklessness, breach of warranty, contract or any other legal theory, accepting for yourself, your heirs, assignees, administrators, executors, and all members of your family full responsibility for any and all such damages, injury or death which may result. You agree not to sue or make a claim against any of the above-mentioned parties.

  • Melinda Dennis and Delete the Wheat, LLC® reserve the right to provide references to you for other practitioners or facilities, as needed, in the best interests of your health.


No personal medical information is being requested or logged at any time. The platform is HIPAA compliant to protect the privacy of participants. Students are welcome to use first names only on their screens. Prior to each class, Melinda will record a video of herself giving the presentation (with no students) to further protect privacy. 

Recorded Presentation/Materials: 

Melinda will provide a password protected link on the classroom page with additional handouts, weekly assignments, resources, and the past week’s recorded class. To respect everyone’s privacy, we will not be sharing a recording of the Q&A or chat portions of the class. Melinda will anonymize the chat info. into a handout. The recordings and materials will be available to students online through April 16, 2025.  

Missed Classes:

  • Please attend all classes for your own and others’ benefit. If you miss a class, you will have access to the password protected link to view the recorded class and to download the handouts. There is no refund for any missed classes. 


  • If you are not completely satisfied with the course, you may request a full refund via email (no phone calls) by March 25, 2025 9pm EST. Email: After that time, no refunds will be offered. Thank you for your understanding. 

Please email Melinda with any questions:

I look forward to seeing you soon!

By completing the brief form below, sending in your registration payment and clicking the “Register” button below, you agree to the above conditions.

The Privacy Officer for Delete the Wheat® is Melinda Dennis, MS, RD, LDN

Delete the Wheat, LLC®

4 Hosmer Street, Watertown, MA 02472

Professional Liability: AMBA

American Dietetic Association Member #890738

For Applicant to Complete:

I voluntarily agree to the above conditions.